Abigail Smith

Abigail Smith

Class Year



Winthrop Harbor, IL


Studio Art, Art History

As a commuter student, 25岁的阿比盖尔·史密斯享受着两全其美——高质量的教育和与家人在一起的时间. Several professors helped her discover her passion for studio art and art history. 博彩网址大全为她提供了很多机会去探索她的激情,包括参加一个 Student Undergraduate Research Experience,担任陶瓷工作室和画廊助理,并在每年的评审艺术展上展出.

Scholarships, including the Carthage Academic Honors Grant, the Aspire and Director’s Grants, and various donor-funded grants and scholarships, such as the Darrell R. and Karen L. Willson Endowed Scholarship, 给了她专注于学习的自由,让她全身心地投入到艺术创作中去了吗.

Commuting to Carthage Apply Now

博彩网址大全在塑造我的艺术之旅中发挥了重要作用,并为我提供了在艺术界博彩网址大全梦想所需的技能和知识. I am excited about the future and the possibilities that lie ahead.”

Abigail Smith, ’25

Why Carthage?

“One of the big reasons I chose Carthage was that it’s close to home. I’m super family-oriented, and taking care of my family is a top priority. So, being able to stay close to them while studying was a big deal for me. 做一名通勤者很好,因为我得到了两全其美的东西——高质量的教育和在家人需要我的时候陪伴在他们身边. It’s a win-win situation! Carthage fosters a strong sense of community among its students, faculty, and staff.”

Faculty mentors

博彩网址大全的教师在塑造我的大学经历和绘制我的学术之旅方面发挥了深远的作用. 优秀的教师们引导我走向我真正的激情,帮助我找到我真正的道路.

“Through her Acrylic Painting 1 course, Professor Diane Levesque became a catalyst for my transition into the world of arts. She nurtured my creativity and encouraged me to explore my inner passions. Her guidance led me to the realization that I had always yearned to pursue the arts.

“Similarly, Professor Jojin Van Winkle played a significant role in my evolution as an artist. Her mentorship helped me break out of my shell and broaden my artistic horizons. 在我家人健康状况不佳的艰难时期,她的善良和支持尤为重要. Professors Jojin and Professor Ryan P. Miller were instrumental in my involvement with the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE). Working closely with Prof. Miller was a privilege, and his understanding and positivity left an indelible mark on my life. Our bond extended beyond academics, allowing us to engage in conversations about diverse topics, fostering a comfortable and supportive environment.

Professor Jose Avalos played a pivotal role too. His guidance nudged me towards mixed media and encouraged me to think outside the box. His kindness and our engaging conversations were always a highlight. His genuine care for his students’ success is truly inspiring. I’m incredibly grateful for his impact on my journey as a student and artist.

“Additionally, Professor Kimberly Greene’s influence in my life has been transformative. As one of her ceramics studio assistants, I gained practical skills and formed a deep connection with her. This connection enabled me to interact with other faculty members and students, creating a network that enriched my college experience. Thanks to Prof. Greene, 在俄罗斯苏联艺术展览期间,我有一个难以置信的机会与艺术界的人们和捐助者建立联系.”

Favorite class

“Without a doubt, my favorite class at Carthage has been Oil Painting, and it’s all thanks to the fantastic experience with Prof. Miller. The atmosphere in his classes was incredibly laid-back, which made it a joy to attend. Prof. Miller consistently encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, making the class truly special and led to significant artistic growth. 在他的指导下,探索油画颜料及其媒介的世界是一次有趣的发现之旅. Equally contributing to the enjoyment were my classmates, who were easy to connect with and formed a supportive community. We shared a close bond extending beyond the studio, 互相鼓励,创造一个有趣和合作的环境,增强学习经验. Overall, this course stood out as a blend of skill-building, artistic exploration, and a sense of togetherness that made every session memorable.”

Toughest class

“For me, the toughest class at Carthage was definitely Chemistry. I was juggling several courses simultaneously, which made it a real challenge to keep up. Balancing all those demands was no joke. However, I was fortunate to have Professor Sarah Snow as my instructor. She was a true support system. 她努力引导我完成我感到困惑的部分,这种支持对我来说意义重大. Chemistry might have been a struggle, but having Prof. Snow’s assistance made the journey a bit less daunting.”

Campus involvement

“My involvement in various clubs and organizations has enriched my time at Carthage. I’m a proud member of the Art Club and Best Buddies, but my primary focus and activity have been within the Art Club. 作为艺术俱乐部的一员,我与那些对创造力和自我表达有着同样热情的学生建立了联系. Through the club’s events, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate and learn alongside talented peers. 这些经历不仅促进了我作为一名艺术家的成长,也为我提供了一个与校园里更广泛的艺术社区接触的平台.”

Golden opportunities

“I’ve been fortunate to embrace several other opportunities at Carthage. One exciting venture is my upcoming role as a gallery assistant, collaborating closely with Prof. Miller. 这条新的道路有望加深我对艺术世界的理解,并为策展和管理展览提供新的视角. Moreover, 从大一开始,我就有幸被选中参加年度评审艺术展. This annual event, taking place each spring, 不仅展示了我的作品,而且还将我与其他艺术家联系起来,并允许我为博彩网址大全充满活力的艺术社区做出贡献. These opportunities have enriched my college experience, offering me diverse platforms to engage with art, broaden my skill set, and establish meaningful connections with professors and peers alike.”

Internships or campus employment

“I’ve had the privilege of being a ceramics studio assistant since my sophomore year. 我也有令人兴奋的机会参加SURE 2023,代表艺术学科. As an assistant for Prof. Greene, I’ve taken on a range of crucial responsibilities, including mixing clay, developing glazes and slips, organizing studio supplies, managing inventory, ensuring the smooth operation of the kiln room, and restocking materials. 这是一次亲身体验,让我对陶瓷和工作室管理的实际方面有了更深入的了解.

“Additionally, SURE at Carthage has been a significant part of my journey. 该项目邀请所有专业的学生与教授一起进行密集的全职研究. In my case, being focused on the arts, I’ve been collaborating closely with Prof. Miller over the summer. 我的项目包括围绕学校枪支暴力的主题创作四幅有影响力的画作. 我的目的不仅是提高人们对这一关键问题的认识,而且还要教育其他人,让他们了解困扰美国儿童和年轻人的可预防的危机.

“我作为助理的角色和参与SURE 2023都让我能够更深入地研究我的专业,并获得实践经验,以补充我的学术研究. 这些机会拓展了我的视野,为我提供了对艺术和研究世界的宝贵见解.”

Career goal

“After I graduate, 我有雄心勃勃的计划,要在壁画的世界里冒险,把我的艺术博彩网址大全扩大到一个更大的规模. 我的目标是继续从事更大的项目,使我能够产生重大的视觉影响,并创造出与人们在更深层次上产生共鸣的艺术. Through my work in muralism, 我的目标是激励其他人用他们的艺术声音来关注他们热衷的重要话题和问题.

“我计划继续深造,攻读工作室艺术和艺术史的硕士学位,以及艺术史的博士学位! 这个高级学位将加深我对艺术理论和历史的理解,丰富我的艺术实践.

“Ultimately, my long-term aspiration is to become an art curator or an art professor. As a curator, I plan to curate exhibitions that showcase diverse perspectives and contemporary issues, creating spaces that challenge and inspire viewers. Additionally, as an art professor, 我的目标是与他人分享我对艺术的热情,培养新一代的艺术家,他们可以用他们的创造力来影响社会的积极变化.”

Favorite memory

“Carthage has been a hub of unforgettable moments and cherished memories. 我印象深刻的是,有一次我有机会在芝加哥海军码头参观2023年艺术博览会. This event was an absolute highlight, providing me with a fascinating glimpse into the art world on a grand scale. Walking through Art EXPO 2023 was an awe-inspiring experience. 有机会见证一些世界上最大的画廊,让自己沉浸在一系列的艺术表现中,这真是令人着迷. The event allowed me to deepen my understanding of the diverse and dynamic art landscape, and it left an indelible mark on my artistic journey. This moment not only expanded my horizons but also fueled my passion for art. 它提醒我们,在创意领域有无限的可能性和机会等待着我们. This memory encapsulates the essence of my Carthage experience — a blend of exploration, discovery, and a celebration of art’s transformative power.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“8岁的我肯定会兴奋和喜悦地看到,我真的跟随自己的心,作为一名艺术学生茁壮成长. 意识到我已经拥抱了我的激情,并将其转化为我的学习和职业道路,无疑会让年轻的我充满无比的自豪感,并对未来的创意之旅充满期待.”